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Inspection Reports


‘Children enjoy coming to school’

‘Everyone is treated with respect and feel part of the school community’.

 ‘Pupils behave well in school because of leaders’ high expectations.’

‘Children are attentive in lessons and keen to learn.

‘Leaders have prioritised reading. Staff are well trained in teaching phonics’.

‘Children quickly learn the sounds that letters represent.’

‘Books that pupils read closely match their learning’.

’Children enjoy reading and those who need extra help are well supported’.

‘Arrangements for safeguarding are effective’


SIAMS 2023

“Weeton Church of England Primary is a small school with a big heart.”

“Leaders exemplify the vision. Working determinedly with faith, hope and love, they provide pupils and adults with a safe, nurturing school where everyone can flourish.”

“Led by the school’s vision and associated values, the behaviour policy has recently been reviewed, and as a result, pupils’ behaviour is excellent.”

“Pupils are given a strong voice and undertake a growing range of impressive leadership roles within the school.  "The curriculum supports the pupils’ understanding of the need for social justice. “